Customer Support
Our online portal is currently undergoing maintenance. you need to pay your bill, you can do so by visiting our office between 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Advertise with us

With the new update to our website we have incorporated the ability to offer a limited number of advertising opportunities to our all commercial tenants.

Reach the residents of Skycourts by taking an advantage of one of the following channels to reach your target customers through Alpha Utilities:

Website Advertising: Advertise your business on Alpha Utilities Customer Portal that is accessible to our more than 3000 tenants.

Monthly Bills/Invoices: Advertise on monthly bills.

We offer permanent and rotating banners advertisement option on monthly time basis and rotating advertisements in the sidebar areas will be rotated throughout the entire site on a random basis to ensure fairness to all respected members.

For pricing and more information, please contact us using following enquiry form or call us at +971 (4) 4547011 or send email at

Please fill up the form below to submit your advertisement enquiry.

* How would you like us to contact you: Phone Email

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